Bryant Chiropractic and Massage

Bringing life into healthy balance.

Chiropractic is a natural treatment option used to improve quality of life, reduce or eliminate pain, promote recovery from injury and help prevent future disease or dysfunction. The primary focus of Chiropractic is the treatment of the cause of pain or dysfunction and restoration of normal function by stimulating the body’s natural healing capabilities. Chiropractors are primary care physicians who can assess and diagnose, and devise a treatment plan and administer treatment programs that aim to restore function, increase quality of life and minimize dysfunction after injury or disease. Chiropractors do not use drugs or surgery, instead a combination of gentle manual manipulative therapy, exercises, natural supplementation or dietary recommendations along with movement training and stress management may all be utilized in a Chiropractor’s treatment plan.

Why Chiropractic?

Bryant Chiropractic and Massage

12443 Bel Red Road, Suite 310

Bellevue, WA 98005

Phone: 425-890-0142

Fax: 425-412-4949


By appointment only: